The two key systems that are in every arcade game are the joystick and button, so I developed those two first. The joystick can be grabbed by the player then rotated in a certain direction. The joystick then sends the angle it is being rotated to the arcade character to determine how much the character needs to move. The button is a lot simpler as it just calls a function inside the arcade character meaning it can essential do anything as long as you code the other side.

Game Overview
Milk Mayhem! was the first arcade game that I made for the project, and was based on the classic arcade game, Donkey Kong (1981). You play as a Milk Man that has lost his milk truck at the top of hill, and must rush to the top to find it. Unfortunately, milk barrels are falling out of the milk truck that the player must jump if they want to stay alive. Can you reach the top?

The main Character of the game, The Milkman.

Various props for the game.

Game Overview
TANK TIME! was based on the 1982 arcade game, Burger Time. The game follows a factory worker named Benny Bolts as he works to build tanks for the United States military. Benny has to walk on top of tank parts, and make them fall until they get to the bottom of the screen. A swarm of American hating foes will try to stop you from building the tanks in the level, can you avoid them while building tanks for your country?

The main character of the game, Benny Bolts.

The three different enemies of the game, Nazis, Soviets, and Peace.

The tanks had to be designed modularly to give three different pieces, so that Benny could build the tank.

Game Overview
Reaganomics stars none other than former United States President, Ronald Reagan. You are tasked with shooting money at American citizens until they reach financial security. However, different enemies will be flying around trying to take the money for themselves. You have to time your shots if you want to get the money to the people that deserve it. The game acts as a cheeky satire of Reaganomics and trickle down economics. Can you get your money to trickle down to the bottom percent?

President Ronald Reagan himself.

There are the six different object you can shoot in the game. The bigger the money the more value it has for the American citizens. The bullet can kill any base enemy and stun any boss.

All non-boss enemies in the game.

The first boss of the game, the United States Banking system.

The second boss of the game, Congress. The politician is based off Senator Bob Dole who was the Majority Leader of the United States Senate during Reagan's second term as president.

Here are the American citizens that you shoot money. The top row is their default state, the second row is when you give them enough money to be satisfied, and the last row is if you fail to give them enough money.

Game Overview
The final game I created was called War of the Words, which is a playful reference to classic sci-fi horror movie, The War of the Worlds. You play as a general who has been contacting by a group of invading aliens. The aliens threaten to destroy the plants unless you can convince them to do a more peaceful option. Negotiation is depicted is that you have to pilot the words you want to say up to the alien mothership. The more words you say the more persuasive your argument, but the bigger a target you are. Can you convince the aliens to do a peaceful solution, or will you get the planet destroyed?

The two offices of the player character, the General, and the antagonist, the Alien. The Alien's office is a mirror image of the General in order to make them feel like they are in an office and not just a generic spaceship setting.

The enemies of the game.

There are over 65 different things you can say to the alien to try to convince them to leave Earth alone. Here are a few of my favorites one.

Instructor - Barbara Klein
Industry Mentor - Maxwell Martin
Arcade Cabinet Model - Ethan Laird
2D Art Asset & QA Kat Drennan